Your Adventure Starts Here 1.541.476.3818
The approximate driving time is 2 hours and the actual distance is 44 miles, one-way. Here is a BLM shuttle map that details the routes: Click To View A PDF At BLM Website.
The approximate driving time is 2 ½-3 hours and the actual distance is 75 miles, one-way. View BLM Shuttle Map.
We post daily the CFS/temp of the river inside the Galice Resort store. You can also check this website for the most up-to-date water level/temperature information: Click to View WaterData Website.
There are all levels of rapids on the Rogue River. We sell Rogue River maps and books in the Galice Store that show exactly where the rapids are located on the river and the class (degree of difficulty) of each of the listed rapids.
It really all depends on what you and your group want to experience. There are approximately the same amount/size of rapids from Hog Creek to Grave Creek.
See our Rentals Page for information.
The Pantry (small convenience grocery store) in Merlin.
Day and multi-day fishing licenses/tags are conveniently available for purchase online at
Click the following link: Online Reservations and Availability.
Rand Ranger Station (Smullin Visitors Center) down river from Galice Resort just before Almeda.
You can find shuttle services at Rogue Wilderness, OTT or BLT.
Hog Creek Access is approximately 7 miles upriver from Galice. Indian Mary Park is approximately 5 miles upriver from Galice. Ennis Riffle is 1 ½ miles upriver from Galice. Galice Resort: we have our own private boat ramp below the restaurant available for your use. Almeda Park is approximately 4 miles downriver from Galice. Graves Creek is approximately 7 miles downriver from Galice.
Clothing such as:
Swimsuit/swimsuit coverup/
Sweatshirt/light shirts/long sleeve shirt/sweatpants/shorts
Walking shoes
Creature Comforts:
Water shoes/
Chapstick w/SPF/
Deck of cards/
Waterproof disposable camera
Food/Drink/Kitchen Gear:
Lunch/dinner foods
Lighter fluid/charcoal
Wine/bottle opener/
Pots/pans/kitchen utensils/
Folding tables/chairs
River Gear:
Boat - oar or paddle/
Life jacket/
Whistle (attach to your life jacket)/
Waterproof bags (dry bags)/
Laminated river map/
Waterproof river guide book/
Fire pan/matches/foldable shovel/
Lugga Loo (Portable toilet -- required for multiple day rafting trips)/
Raft patch kit/
Dry boxes
Summer Hours:
Mon – Th 7am to 6pm
Fri – Sun 7am to 9pm
PO Box 99
11744 Galice Road
Merlin, Oregon 97532